pageid: 2057

Privacy and Personal Data Protection

Privacy and Personal Data Protection

Ecoargentina uses cookies (small text files that are entered in the computer) in order to collect information about how visitors use the website and what the Customer’s preferences are. It is possible to accept or decline to use them but most web browsers automatically accept them (notwithstanding, it is usually possible to modify the settings to decline the use of cookies). Please note that cookies do not give Ecoargentina access to the Customer’s computer or other personal information about him/her other than that which he/she decides to share with them (Ecoargentina does not collect personal data when using cookies).

Ecocargentina is expressly authorized under article 4 of Data Privacy Protection Act (Act No. 19.628) to collect and treat the Customer’s personal data in order to manage Ecoargentina’s relationship with the Customer before, during and after the tourist activity, manage the booking of accommodation and travels, transmit his/her personal data in relation to the bank account and/or credit card to end service providers, process his/her personal data for marketing operations, promote brands and gain a better understanding of the Customer’s requirements and wishes, manage claims and or complaints, manage the data internally for creating a lists of customers having behaved inappropriately during the tourist packages, adapt Ecoargentina’s products and services to better meet the Customer’s requirements and inform the Customer of special offers and any new services created by Ecoargentina.

The above said, the Customer’s personal data is regarded as confidential and therefore will not be divulged to any third party, other than our supplier(s) and, only if legally required, to the corresponding authorities.

By accepting these conditions, the customer exclusively authorizes Ecoargentina to use his/her image, name, likeness, and/or voice in publicity or advertising relating to the company in Argentina without compensation. This authorization is perpetual and includes the right in favor of Ecoargentina to freely use any and/or all photographic and film images (including usage of voice rights) for using them on internet and social networking websites including, but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, in addition to any type of advertising and graphic material, as well as any photography, recordings, video, film, drawing or representation. The Customer declares that they understand that there is no compensation with respect to the aforementioned authorization.