pageid: 755

Salta & Jujuy

A magical place you need to visit

  • When to go All year
  • Fly to Salta
  • Fly time 2 hours from Buenos Aires
  • Climate Dry

A magical place you need to visit

Salta and Jujuy are neighboring provinces located in the picturesque northwest region of Argentina, known for their stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and vibrant traditions. In Salta, visitors are captivated by the colonial charm of its capital city, also named Salta, with its well-preserved architecture, lively markets, and a thriving arts scene. The province boasts breathtaking natural wonders, including the multicolored rock formations of the Quebrada de Humahuaca and the high-altitude vineyards of Cafayate, producing some of Argentina’s finest wines.

Jujuy, characterized by its diverse geography ranging from high mountains to lush valleys, is a haven for nature enthusiasts. The Quebrada de Humahuaca, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, unfolds in Jujuy, showcasing ancient Incan ruins and striking landscapes. The province is also home to the vibrant indigenous cultures of the Quechua and Aymara people, celebrated through colorful festivals and traditional arts and crafts. Both Salta and Jujuy offer an authentic Argentine experience, inviting travelers to explore the beauty of their landscapes, savor local cuisine, and immerse themselves in the warmth of the region’s hospitality.


  • Humahuaca Valley
  • Salt Flats
  • Purmamarca
  • Ancient Cultures
  • Archaeology & Ruins
  • Altitud Wines
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